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Why is it that Muslims do not celebrate the birth of Jesus at Christmas eventhough Jesus is acknowledge in the Qur'an?

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Why is it that Muslims do not celebrate the birth of Jesus at Christmas eventhough Jesus is acknowledge in the Qur'an?
asked Aug 21, 2013 in Islam & Christianity by anonymous

2 Answers

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In the Qur'an, there are many experiences about the lifestyle and lessons of Jesus Christ (called 'Isa in Arabic). The Qur'an remembers his amazing beginning, his lessons, the wonders he conducted by The lord's authorization, and his lifestyle as a well known prophet of God.Muslims believe in the virgin Mary beginning of Christ, but do not indicate the event as a vacation.  Nevertheless, Muslims regard Christ as a righteous prophet of God.  The Qur'an explains Religious individuals as followers of God who are often "devoted to studying... Has renounced the world, and they are not conceited."
answered Aug 22, 2013 by anonymous
0 votes
Because altought hey see Jesus as a prophet nad right person and follower of God, but not a divine bieng.
answered Sep 1, 2013 by johndz (920 points)