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Can women marry more than one man in islamic culture?

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Can women marry more than one man in islamic culture?
asked Feb 5, 2013 in Islam & Christianity by mydane (310 points)

2 Answers

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In our society, men can have more than one wife at a time in Islam culture whereas women are not allowed to have more than one husband at a time otherwise known as Polyandry. No matter how liberal we call ourselves but ours is still a male oriented society and women have secondary position here. Since men have dominating position therefore families are being headed by males and all the laws are made according to it. Muslims offer a logic that family is an institution. No institution can be run without a head and there can not be two heads of an institution at the same time. So someone has to be at secondary position.

answered Feb 5, 2013 by wickedminds01 (330 points)
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That's not possible for the Qur an said that "a woman is only allowed to marry one guy or does it leave it as an implicit rule".
answered Feb 7, 2013 by anonymous